13 November 2009


Many times we mistake a weakness of the mind for a weakness of the body.

I thought of this while sitting in orchestra class, and there are some long songs which require a long spurt of holding up my viola. Extremely tired, I dropped my posture and tried to play in a slouch. Not working. My muscles are weak! My arms can't take it! No- my mind can't take it.

Your body might be whining, but it's your mind that gives the OK for it to relax. And how difficult can it be to just think? Realize that sometimes you just need to stand your ground. Don't let your body get away with slacking!


4 hand prints:

Katie Marie said...

Isn't it funny how slouching makes you even MORE tired??

Thanks for posting :)

Barry said...

You guys have such an awesome way of looking at things, it's very refreshing!

It's so true, mind over body. I remember years ago when I was in grade school, my teacher told me to reach as high as I could. I did and he marked the spot. He asked if that was as high as I could reach and I said yes.

Then he held up a five dollar bill just SLIGHTLY higher and said if I could reach it I could have it. I did.

The mind will allow us to push ourselves long after our body has given up.

Heidi Rose said...

Katie: Yes, it is even more effort!

Barry: Thank you! It's a good thing to keep in mind- that we can always do more than we originally think.

Amy Lauren said...

Great one. It's so true, the only thing that limits us is our own will-power