04 October 2009

Write! Right?

A piece of advice: whether you suddenly get a brilliant idea while sitting in class, or are thinking about all the things you need to do tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day...


Writing things down as you think of them is a great way to stop having to worry, and to be able to come back to some things when you have more time. You think you might remember it in the morning or later on, but you might not! So write things down and clear your mind :)

3 hand prints:

Heidi Rose said...

This is so true. I've been doing the, "I'll remember it later" thing for way too long.

Here I scribble said...

i do that usually!

Katie Marie said...

This is so true. I like to keep paper and a pencil by my bed so when I'm laying awake at night with a million thoughts in my head, I can get rid of 'em! haha