28 August 2009

Be Happy!

We don't want to be that person who sits around, moping and complaining when they could be helping themselves. Thankfully, we're not that person, but sometimes we get close, don't we? When you're in a bad mood, you don't really want to be in a bad mood. You want to be happy. So stop thinking that moping is going to be a yellow brick road to being happy again. Just-be happy! After all, you're the only one deciding how you feel. So whether you're cranky, irritable, angry, or feeling ho-hum, put a smile on your face (even if it's a small one at first), and cheer up!

And since I know it's hard to start... here are some pictures to help you out:

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Extra Credit:
take a bunch of slips of paper (maybe sticky-notes) and after writing something happy on each of them (no repeats!), place them all over your place. You'll forget about them and find them over time. :)
Bonus points if someone else finds them, and it cheers them up too!

2 hand prints:

Lilly Anne said...

This made me smile and be happy ^^

Amy Lauren said...

I used to leave happy post-it notes all around Mandy's dorm room whenever I went to visit her! It's a good idea :)