29 August 2009

On being honest...

Today's challenge involves HONESTY. Not only is it super important to be honest to yourself, but it's incredibly crucial to be honest with others. It's so easy to play mind games with people by hinting at things and hoping the message gets through to them. Why do we find it so hard to actually get down and dirty and say what we mean? A life without being true and honest to yourself and the people you care about will only lead to frustration and disappointment. There is some magical connection that happens between two people when they are sincere and honest.

Let's admit it, beating around the bush is great when you don't want to go out on that limb, but being honest and sincere will save you a huge waste of time and reap glorious benefits, such as tighter bonds and understanding, or at the very least, clarity and peace of mind in knowing that you said what you had to say and gave it your best shot. (Not to mention getting everyone on the same level is a great way to start uncomplicating your life, something I know I need to do.)

One of the best (if not the best) ways of showing that you care is by being honest to the people you love, whether it involves confessions or just telling someone else how much you appreciate their impact on your life. Whatever it is, you have to figure that out.

Don't compromise your relationships with other people - honesty really IS the best policy.

-->Half credit for at least writing down the things you would like to tell people
-->Bonus points for planning it out beforehand AND going through with it! :)

Feel free to share your thoughts & results (if you accepted the challenge).

3 hand prints:

Heidi Rose said...

Thankfully, no big secrets come bubbling to the surface. I will work on this today.

Amy Lauren said...

hah, agreed!

I was just thinking today how I wait around to see how other people react to things before I make my move, and wondered what it would be like if I took the first turn. If you know what I mean? Anyway, I thought it had a lot to do with honesty & being upfront right away, which stemmed this post.

Heidi Rose said...

Yes! Like when you ask someone, "So what do you think of such-and-such?" and you're all prepared to complain about it. And then the person says, "I actually love such-and-such." And that changes your response completely to something lame like, "Well, I guess it's not that bad."
Bam! You just lied. And you also walked right into that one.