30 August 2009

Learning Something New

AH! A BRAND NEW WEEK! Limitless possibilities! Let's start it out with some new knowledge, shall we? Below I've arranged what I think to be the very basics of Sign Language. (Because we've all looked away from the pastor at church to look at the woman doing sign language, because we've all seen a movie with a character who uses it to communicate, and because we love learning)

Half Credit: Go through all of the signs with your hands, if only once, just to get the feeling of them (it will be easier to remember them if you've seen them and done them)
Extra Credit:
Go here and look at some other signs, maybe even try a couple.

3 hand prints:

Amy Lauren said...

HAHA I tried them all, I love how you put "I" "want" "coffee" all in a row! LOLLLLLLLLLL

Heidi Rose said...

That was specially for you, Amy. :)

Amy Lauren said...

I will remember that one & prob start doing it in my sleep. HAHAHA