21 October 2009

Looks like it's just the two of us...

Write a letter to yourself.
Sometimes we hate ourselves, or feel guilty, or self-conscious, and no one else can really understand or help us through it.
Write a letter to yourself.
Write out your concerns, the way you would talk it out with someone you know really well.

This idea actually came to me today, when I was sitting, feeling lonely
and I remembered that I shouldn't be depending on other people to cheer me up.
Happiness comes from within.
Looks like I have some quality bonding to do with myself.

If you need help getting started, try this:
Dear [your name here],
I have some important things to tell you...

Let yourself be happy.
You deserve it.

p.s. Happy Birthday to Katie!

2 hand prints:

Amy Lauren said...

Happiness comes from within.

What a GREAT realization. it's so true, happiness does come from within. (or from Lola) ;)

Katie Marie said...

Aww, I just first saw this now! :D

I got this tweet on my phone the other day that I really liked: “Things and conditions can give you pleasure but they cannot give you joy; joy arises from within.” ~Eckhart Tolle

Great stuff.