20 September 2009

Oh, Mona...

Laughter is proven to not only make you feel happier, but relieves your stress, works out your diaphram, abs, and shoulders (not to mention your heart), AND it's a distraction from any negative emotions you have.
Basically all around, it is GOOD for you.

How to incorporate laughter into your life:

Laugh by yourself - watch a funny movie or read The Onion; instead of complaining about life's frustrations, try to laugh about them - if something is so frustrating or depressing it's ridiculous, realize you could look back on it and laugh, so why wait? Laugh about it now.
Laugh with others - do something silly and outrageous with someone else, laughing is contagious; the more they laugh the more you will too!
Fake it til you make it - even fake laughter can have the positive affects listed above, so fake an evil laugh and eventually it will probably turn in to a real one! ;)